The following are the questions, with answers, that we are most frequently asked. We also added what we think might be the doubts that arise when reading about our products for the first time.
We want to cover the nutritional needs of the whole day, from breakfast biscuits, to fresh or dry pasta of the main meals, to pizzas with friends, to salty snacks.
Signor Semplice products can be eaten by anyone who eats traditional bread and pasta, they are also particularly suitable for diabetics, athletes, people who want to lose weight and high cholesterol.
Of course, anyone who eats traditional bread and pasta.
The great attitude of arabinoxylans is to bind permanently to sugars and release them very slowly throughout the intestinal tract.
The products Signor Semplice have the good fortune to offer multiple benefits: they do not give glycemic peak, are prebiotic, help prevent diabetes, help lower blood cholesterol levels, prolong the sense of satiety, improve sports performance and are more easily digestible.
It is a NATURAL process, which uses an enzymatic complex that separates the soluble fraction of the fiber from the insoluble one. In this way the useful fibres, the soluble ones, in particular the arabinoxylans, are released more. In the same passage the insoluble fibres, lignin and cellulose are almost totally lost. It is, at this point, a product of the same color as a traditional product, with the same taste, without any bitter aftertaste and without the fiber in the chewing, typical defects of an integral product.
We will soon be in the best supermarkets.
Yes, the relationship was born with the nutritionists of basketball Varese, who approve and recommend our products. Hence, our sponsorship of this glorious and historic basketball team of Serie A.
They have the same taste as traditional products.
Absolutely not, our pasta, our ravioli, our pizzas, must be prepared as you usually do with traditional products.